
A module could be considered a namespace, and is basically a group of data. Every RaptorScript program consists of at least one module, since every file is a module.

Modules belong to .rapt files

Each .rapt file defines one module, by the name of the file (excluding the .rapt extension)

Importing Modules

Modules can be imported for usage inside other modules.


Modules have a hierarchical structure, starting from the source directory.

|- project/
   |- src/
      |- main.rapt
      |- ui/
         |- self.rapt
         |- menu.rapt
         |- popup.rapt
      |- util/
         |- string.rapt
         |- numbers.rapt

This structure defines the following modules:

  • main
  • ui
  • ui.menu
  • ui.popup
  • util.string
  • util.numbers


Module names can contain only lowercase letters and underscores. A module named self will simply be referenced by its parent module. As such, the module in src/ui/self.rapt will be referenced simply as ui in other modules.

It is recommended to give modules short, concise names, letting the structure handle avoiding ambiguity. As such, it is also always recommended to refer to modules as their fully qualified names. If these two rules are followed, the module structure will make semantic sense. As an example, use util.numbers instead of util.number_utils