
RaptorScript has a fairly standard set of control statements, but there are some slight implementation details that are different, mainly regarding how they use expressions

Conditional statements

if statements in RaptorScript use the if keyword, take a conditional expression and a statement. An optional else clause can be specified.

This is an example of an if statement. Note that code blocks, and thereby brackets, are only necessary if the body consists of more than one statement.

if a > 4 {
    print("a is greater than 4")
} else if a == 4 {
    print("a is equal to 4")
} else {
    print("a is less than 4")


  1. Infinite Loop

    loop {
        print("I'm working")
        if time.now() > time.from_string("19:30") {
            print("It's late, I'm heading home")
  2. While Loop

    while time.now() <= time.from_string("19:30") {
        print("I'm working")
    print("It's late, I'm heading home")
  3. For Loop

    // TODO

Pattern Matching